The Tegginamatha Tree of Multibrances
Tegginamatha of Harapanahalli has a long glorious history. This is a branch of Shrimad Rambhapuri Veerasimhasana of Balehonnuru. But this is a Putravarga matha. There are branches of this matha in Nagathibasapura, Huvinahadagali, Koyilaraghatta, Bhavanipete and Gouripura villages and even now we can find holy tombs in these villages which are spiritually charged tombs.
Right from the beginning there hava been successors Swamijis to these matha The names of Shri Kashayya Mahaswami, Shri Channaveeramahaswami and Gurubasavamahaswami are found. Originally the name of the Tegginamatha was Hirematha, because in those Hirematha was in a ‘Pit’ and the people began to call it as Tegginamatha. The Tegginamatha was to the right side of Kalamma Temple during the year 1557 and it is said that it is refered in the history the king Somashekhara Nayaka of that period donated that land to that matha.
Veerashaiva Panchapeethas and the branches of peetha have been serving the society and the humanity by starting educational institutions and providing knowledge and food together, Harapanahalli Tegginamatha is one of them. Late Sha|| Bhra || Chandrashekhara Shivacharya mahaswamiji the great manifactor of mankind to serve the society by opening the schools and colleges, free boarding to the people of all communities and made the Tegginamatha the most remarkable educational institutions in the 20th century. To put in nut shell Karnataka witnessed an educational revolution in Tegginamatha in the 20th Century and made Harapanahalli the recognizable place in the India map. This credit goes to late Sha|| Bhra || Chandramouleshwara Shivacharya and late Sha|| Bhra|| Chadrashekhara Shivacharya mahaswamiji.

Institutions Established and Brought up.
T.M.A.E. Society was registered in 1969 by late Sha|| Bhra || Chandramouleshwara Shivacharya swamiji. It is said that ‘only wearer knows where shoe pinches’. ‘A barren woman does not know the labour pains of a woman’. Now we can see the beautiful buildings of T.M.A.E. educational institutions but we must realize the pricks and pains and sorrows and miseries suffered by late Chandrashekhara Shivacharya mahaswamiji, who was mainly responsible for bringing up so many educational institutions.
By the time His Holiness started opening the educational institutions in 1969 holiness had a big dream and sound experience of education as a Professor of Philosophy and Principal of College in private education institutions.
It is said that a woman will curse her parents her husband at the time undergoing the labour pains of delivery. After the birth of a child she will forget the pains and smile looking at the child. Similarly His Holiness had suffered same sorrows and miseries at the time of starting educational institutions and promoting and protecting them but His Holiness began to enjoy the fruits of his labour and sorrow after seeing the young boys and girls coming out from the educational institutions and serving the society in different capacities.